
Here at GQ, we know better than most that men are sophisticated, cultured, high-brow individuals, full of heterogeneous interests, each his own beautiful, XY-chromosomed snowflake. But we also know that left to their basest impulses, these are a few things that speak to most men's inner essence: explosions, hamburgers, and Charlotte McKinney. We've seen two of those things paired before, in this 2015 Carl's Jr. commercial where McKinney went all-natural for Carl's Jr.'s All-Natural Burger. One of those two all-natural things made the Internet melt, bringing in more than 4.5 billion (that's 9 zeroes, homie) earned media impressions—and we're guessing it wasn't the burger. (Jokes McKinney: "Something about it picked up. Maybe it was because I was half-naked.")
Now, they've added pyrotechnics to the mix in a new Carl's Jr. spot called "Best Day Ever," inspired by Call of Duty: Black Ops III. This is Charlotte's second campaign with Carl's Jr. which may not sound like a big deal until you realize no other model has done that—not Heidi Klum; not Kate Upton; not even the most legendary Internet-melter of the Internet Age, Kim Kardashian. And we have an exclusive photo of McKinney in all her ass-kicking glory, holding some sort of ketchup-splattered, hamburger-inspired, mega-blaster.

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Says McKinney of her new campaign, "What I'm more excited about is seeing me not naked this time, and seeing another side of me, which is badass chick. Which I really am. I get down and dirty. I'm fun. I'm kind of one of the guys."
But don't get her wrong—not being one of the guys kicks ass too.
"I don't take much crap," she says. "It's an empowering thing. It's a woman in an empowering spot."
Badass, indeed.

To see more of Charlotte McKinney, check out her sexy surf-themed shoot with GQ’s Ben Watts here:

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